Friday 1 April 2011

Big Show Photos, Videos & Biography

Big Show Biography

Real Name: Paul Wright
Birthday: 02/08/72
Wrestling Debut: October, 1995
Height: 7'2"
Weight: 500 pounds
From: Tampa, Florida
Finishing Move: Chokeslam
Career Highlights: WCW World Championship, 2x WWE World Championship, WCW Tag Champ, WWF Hardcore Title (2) WWF Tag Team champion (2)
After attending a WCW pay per view in 1995, WCW officials approached Paul Wright and asked him about possibly taking a shot at a pro wrestling career. His size impressed them, as did his resemblance to Andre the Giant. After training at the power plant, the Giant made his debut at War Games 1995 by choke slamming Hulk Hogan after the match. WCW played him as the long lost son of Andre the Giant, and used that to feud their first feud. After the world title was held up, the two entered a battle royal along with other WCW stars in hopes of winning the belt. The Giant pulled Hogan under the ropes towards the end, and the ref mistakeningly thought Hogan was yanked over the top. This allowed Savage to take the belt. The Giant, who was a member of the Dungeon of Doom. continued to feud with the WCW faces, and even started tagging with Ric Flair against Hulk Hogan and his parter of choice for the week. The alliance with Flair ended when Flair said "he didn't like how he looked at the women (Liz, Woman, Deb McMichael). Flair put his world belt up against the Giant on a Nitro, and the Giant won his first WCW title, the World belt. The Giant would hold the belt well into the summer, but lost it to Hulk Hogan right after he went bad and formed the NWO with Kevin Nash and Scott Hall. After a great tag match between the Dungeon of Doom and the Four Horsemen, the NWO ran down, and started beating on both teams, but the Giant came down, and just when it looked as if he had ran the bad guys out, he grabbed his stable mate Meng and gave him a chokeslam. He explained that he wanted the cash that the NWO had to give, and looked up to Hulk Hogan as a Dad. The Giant would ring announce for the NWO whenever they took over Nitro, and be the big man of the group. He was challenged by Jeff Jarret when he entered WCW, and the two went at it. The Giant went to chokeslam Jarret, but ended up getting crotched by Ric Flair. The Giant would finally beat Jarret later on after Jarret got Scorpion Death Dropped by Sting. The Giant began feuding with Lex Luger, and the two went at it on numerous occasions, and he lost the match when he got nailed with a ball bat by Luger. The Giant won World War 3 by tossing Luger, and was rewarded a title shot at Hogan. When tension built up in the NWO, the Giant attacked Hogan demanding his title shot, and the NWO in turn jumped the Giant. The Giant fought Hogan at the first Sould Out, and lost when the whole NWO attacked him during the match. Lex Luger came down when the Outsiders jumped the Giant, and the Giant finally earned a friend in the total package. The Giant and the Package would beat the Outsiders for the tag belts, but put them up to get the NWO back in the ring. This ended with a match at a pay per view with a Horsemen team, a WCW team and an NWO team. The NWO team won with Lex Luger getting beat up, and Sting coming from the rafters and taking out the NWO, making his big return as a good guy in WCW. The Giant was eliminated first in the match. The Giant went on to feud with Kevin Nash, who dubbed himself Big Sexy the Giant Killer, and the feud almost ended in tragedy when the Giant got powerbombed on top of his head, injuring his neck. The two went on to feud, with Nash trying to get the Giant to violate a restraining order, by throwing coffee in his face. Shortly after, Nash formed the Wolfpac, and the Giant jumped Nash and joined NWO Hollywood for a second time. Before this, Sting and the Giant had earned a tag title shot at the Outsiders. When this match happend Scott Hall turned on Kevin Nash, bashing him with a tag belt, and the Giant pinned him. Sting and the Giant went on to get seperate tag partners and feud over the tag belts. Sting, who had joined NWO Wolfpac, and Kevin Nash lost the belts to the Giant and Scott Hall due to interference from Bret Hart. The Giant and Hall have been tag champs ever since. After the NWO reformed with the Wolfpac, Kevin Nash and the Giant started to get a lot of heat between each other. The Giant lost a loser leaves town match to Nash, after getting hit with a crescent wrench. The Giant, now known as Paul Wight, went to the WWF, and showed up at WWF's St. Valentine's Day Massacre, and tried to help Vince McMahon against Steve Austin. He was promptly nicknamed the Big Nasty, which changed to the Big Show shortly after. He beat Mankind at Wrestlemania by chokeslamming him through two chairs, which got him disqualified, and cost him a chance to ref the main event against the Rock and Steve Austin. McMahon berated WIght, who then got punched by the 7'4 monster. Wight began teaming with Austin, chasing the Corporation off on one RAW, tearing down the ring, and then tearind down the Titan Tron so Steve Austin could tear it to shreds. Paul Wight then began feuding with Kane, and eventually went heel, forming a heel tag team with the Undertaker, and beating Kane and X-Pac for the WWF Tag titles. They lost them a few weeks later to Rock and Mankind. In a slap to Wight's face, in my opinion, they are having Wight act as the Undertaker's lackey during the whole team up, but that died quick when the Undertaker had to leave due to a groin injury. Wight then got involved in an angle where his dad was apparently dying of cancer while he was feuding with the Big Bossman. The Bossman sent a fake cop to report that his dad died during a RAW, which upset Wight huge. This was built into a big feud that really pissed off a lot of fans, as going where it shouldn't. Later, Wight's "dad" eventually died, and Bossman continued to further desecrate his father's memory, as well as attacking Wight at his funeral, and dragging the casket away with a cop car. This led Wight to destroying some of Bossman's buddies at Survivor Series. Wight, in the same night, replaced Steve Austin in the main event, and won the title from HHH and The Rock in a Triplethreat Title match. Wight finally beat the Big Bossman as champ. Wight held the title until early into 2000, and lost it the first RAW of the year to HHH. HHH had singled out Wight for the belt when he took over the WWF with Stephanie McMahon and DX. Wight feuded with HHH, but turned his fury on the Rock after the Royal Rumble. He defeated the Rock at No Way Out for a WOrld title shot at Wrestlemania. This was due to interference from Shane McMahon, who had returned to get revenge on Stephanie for abandoning the family. Despite losing another number one contenders match to the Rock, Wight still managed to stay in the Wrestlemania main event, when it was changed to a Fatal Four Way match.
Show was sent to Ohio Valley Wrestling for several months to lose weight. Finally after a long absense, Show makes his return at the 2001 Royal Rumble. A month or so later, Big Show defeats Raven to become the Hardcore champion. But a month later, he loses it back to Raven. Show beats Rhyno to recapture the Hardcore Title, but a week later, Show loses the belt to Jericho in Calgary Alberta. Big Show is not really feuding with anyone at the moment, just regular, singles matches...

Big Show

Big Show

Big Show

Big Show

Big Show

Big Show

Big Show

Big Show

Big Show
 Big Show's WWF Debut. 

Raw vs Big Show WWE Raw 26/10/09 HQ

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